At the same time as events in my narrative “Learning about Learning”, in school I studied architectural engineering while playing the oboe for fun. Performance had always been my first love, so eventually I changed my career. I ended up being a freelance musician in New York City for almost 15 years.
Eventually, a combination of events made it clear that it was time for me to spend more of my time learning about my self. I left New York and lived 3 years in the ashrams of Amma, an Indian teacher known formally as Mata Amritanandamayi.
After I left Amma’s ashram in India, I spent quite a few years assimilating the deluge of neurological information I had absorbed but not understood. Gradually it came together and found form in my re-acquaintance with the Feldenkrais Method®. I began my practice in San Francisco. I now teach in Charleston, South Carolina.